SponsorHostedGalleries Home Page
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Here you will find the hosted galleries provided by Digital Z Dollars for their cutting edge site.
Processor: IBill
Program Type: Partnership
Payout: 50% Recurring - biweekly payouts
Payment By: Check, Wire
Niches: Amateur, Babes, Teen

Webmasters, feel free to use these galleries on your TGP or web site, or 
Signup With Digital Z Dollars
to get your own personal linking code.

Note: Digital Girlz uses a powerful custom gallery generator tool to create your galleries. You can choose the design template, title of the page, custom recips, the models you want featured, the picture sets you want featured, etc.

After you sign up for their program you will need to contact them to gain access to the hosted gallery generator where you can generate your own galleries. Below are some examples of galleries generated using their system.

Digital Girlz - Visit the main page here.  Sign up to promote it here.


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